One step at a time!
One drop, one penny can make a huge impact!! How?? Let's see-

When you set out to achieve that goal that you have or that dream that you see, first thing that comes up is a lot of ideas or no idea at all as to how will you achieve whatever it is that you seek. In hindi we have a very famous saying- 'Bund Bund se sagar bharta he' which mainly sums up the quote- The journey of a thousand mile starts with a single step.
This is how you can achieve your goal- First write down what you want to achieve, break it down in to small milestones and targets. Have a rational calculation of the man hours involved, get the project plan in place. Now fix up a specific time where you will under take the necessary steps that gets you closer to your target. But remember you have to do it EVERYDAY. Create a routine and follow it religiously. I have seen CEOs of MNCs following routines that include making 5 lead calls everyday no matter how busy they are.
You can do it only if you bring discipline in your life. Try and organise your thought process, create a direction (not necessarily find one), give your best. Stick to the routine and work on bringing discipline into the smallest activity of your life. We all know that we can't control each and every second (for most of us, it's impossible to control our routine at all) But if you really want to achieve what you think you deserve than you have to bring yourself to discipline. Sharing my personal experience when I started working out, it was very difficult initially but after 8 religious weeks in to my workout schedule, I have improved my workout time with over 300% and my schedule for the rest of the day is automatically in place. Another benefit is, I am more productive than I was before because it helped me increase my focus and gave me more clarity onto what is necessary and what is not!
Intention here is not to write a long article telling you about the details of how to achieve success but to get to the point that you won't achieve success overnight. It involves religious efforts, commitment, 100% dedication, will power and most importantly focused routine and discipline aiming at ultimately achieving your goal in the long run!!! As they say
"There is no shortcut to success!"